- The Bible to be the very word of God through which God has revealed Himself. It is inspired of God and is therefore without error and fully reliable in all details. It is our only rule of faith and practice.
- In one God existing in three persons: Father, Son (the Word) and the Holy Spirit. This God is spirit, eternal, unchanging, just, holy, all powerful, all knowing, all present.
- That God created the heavens and the earth and all they contain in six days. He continues to uphold all things by the word of His power.
- That God is not dependent for anything from the creation but stands independent of it.
- That God rules His creation according to His eternal decree by which all things, persons, events are governed and lie under His sovereign control and work His purpose according to His wise and holy counsels.
- That God created man as a special creation in His own image; forming man of the dust of the ground and breathing into him the breath of life, thus man became a living soul.
- That God created man sinless but that man, being deceived, nevertheless knowingly and deliberately rebelled against his Creator.
- That by this fall into sin man has become a slave to sin; each person is born into this state and unable to do anything to merit God’s favour or even to prepare himself for salvation.
- That God has chosen a certain number of humanity from eternity to be heirs of salvation and inherit eternal life.
- That man is wholly dependent upon God to save him. This God does by sending the Holy Spirit to convict sinners of sin and their need of Christ; drawing them to Him.
- That the sinner convicted of the Holy Spirit, repents of dead works and turns by faith to Christ and is justified at once. He is saved now and forever.
- The saved sinner seeks willingly to live in righteousness. These works of righteousness are worked by the same Holy Spirit and do not at all contribute to his acceptance with God.
- That Jesus Christ is the eternal Son, the second person of the Godhead.
- That at His Father’s bidding He humbled Himself, came as a Servant to lay down His life as a ransom for as many as the Father had given Him. He is our only Redeemer and Mediator between men and God.
- That He was born of a virgin and lived a normal human life, untouched by sin but not temptation.
- That this Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man; walking in the law of God in perfection thus earning a spotless righteousness.
- That Christ suffered and died, as a substitute for His people and as a sacrifice for their sin.
- That through His sufferings He fully satisfied the just demands of the Law of God that was against each one of His elect. Through His death on the cross and the shedding of His blood Christ made atonement for their sins being their substitute and propitiation.
- That the righteousness of Christ is given as a gift to all who have repentance toward God and faith in Christ.
- That Christ rose bodily the third day following His crucifixion and ascended bodily into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God, interceding for His church.
- That Christ reigns presently and acts as High Priest on behalf of His saints (or people) on earth.
- That Christ will return suddenly and visibly for judgement at the time of God’s appointment.
- That the ungodly will suffer eternal and boundless miseries as just payment for their sin.
- That those with faith in Christ will be ushered into the Kingdom and enjoy boundless joys for all eternity. So will they ever be with the Lord. Amen.